Happy Monday! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and are ready to for Motivational Monday-Decoration Day. Today is all about decorating. I know most of you probably have had this done since the day after Thanksgiving, but I finally took some time to decorate this weekend. I didn’t come anywhere near to putting up all the holiday decor that I have, but I am done. I have enough to make it feel like Christmas and to allow me to relax and enjoy it. Looking at all my holiday decor makes me feel overwhelmed and think that I could decorate until Christmas Eve and not get it all displayed! Anyone else out there have this problem? I see all your tastefully decorated homes and mine looks like Christmas threw up all over it! It’s time to stop
I made the decision this weekend that I am going to just STOP, because time is going by so fast and I want to be able to come home from work and ENJOY my holiday decorations instead of stress about what else I need to do! This will be easier said than done, but it’s my goal! I am going to stop and enjoy the season from here on out instead of buying “one more gift” or putting out “one more decoration”. My daughter and I decorated cookies with my niece this weekend, so we have many cookies ready to share, an annual tradition for us. I am ready to relax.
How about you? Can I motivate you to sit back and enjoy the rest of the season? There isn’t much of it left! Maybe YOU already have this idea down, if so, that is wonderful! What’s YOUR secret to stepping back and enjoying the holidays?
I am going to share some photos of my decorating, I am linking up on Monday, December 14 for

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